Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Seasteading and The Seasteading Institute - A Q&A with Tony Dreher

In continuing our mission of hosting educational events on topics in libertarianism, we hosted this meeting on Sept. 26th to educate members on the concept of Seasteading and the work of The Seasteading Institute. We screened a TEDx presentation by Patri Friedman followed by a Q&A with Tony Dreher, an ambassador for The Seasteading Institute.

Patri's presentation can also be viewed on YouTube and is embedded below.

Patri Friedman is the founder and chairman of the Board of The Seasteading Institute and the CEO of Future Cities Development Inc. He earned a BS in math from Harvey Mudd College, an MS in computer science from Stanford University, and an MBA from Cardean University. While in school he experimented with technology startups, ran a small consulting business, and co-founded two intentional communities. In 2004 he joined Google to work as a software engineer.

In 2008 he left Google and co-founded The Seasteading Institute with seed funding from entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist Peter Thiel. He is also a prolific writer on political theory and philosophy, and has appeared in hundreds of media stories worldwide, including NPR, BBC, and The Economist. Patri comes from a line of great revolutionary thinkers, his grandfather Milton Friedman was the 1976 Nobel Laureate in economics, and his father David Friedman is a well-known political theorist and festival founder.

Learn more about The Seasteading Institute and its ambassador program:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What Ever Happened to the Constitution?

In continuation of our celebration of Constitution Week, on Sept. 19th, we held a screening of a lecture by Andrew Napolitano, titled “What Ever Happened to the Constitution?” In this lecture, Judge Napolitano explores the historical experience of the colonists under English rule that influenced the limitations on government power present in the Constitution, the nature of the rights ensured in the Bill of Rights, and how these governing documents have been compromised and violated outright from the early days of our republic.

The lecture can also be viewed on YouTube and is embedded below.

Andrew Napolitano is a former New Jersey Superior Court Judge, the youngest at the time, and senior judicial analyst for Fox News. He has also worked as an adjunct professor of law and is perhaps best known for his television program Freedom Watch, which aired on Fox Business Channel. He is the author of six books on government and law with a particular focus on the Constitution.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Constitution Day 2012

Sept. 17th 2012 marks the 225th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. Young Americans for Liberty at Vanderbilt University celebrated Constitution Day 2012 by handing out over 500 free pocket constitutions to promote the principles of limited government embodied in the Constitution. Students also got the chance to sign a full-size replica of the Constitution and test their knowledge of the Constitution with our Constitution Quizzes. A wild gorilla also happened to be crossing campus when it discovered a passion for the Constitution ...